Live With Freedom, Purpose, and Power

My mission is to be of service in a way that brings you freedom. I want you to grow in awareness and agency. Together we will unlock your power and potential so you can live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Coaching is About Change and Action

What is Coaching?

We all have goals we want to achieve, dreams we want to realize, and desires we want to fulfill. What prevents us from taking action? The answer is simple. Challenges and obstacles naturally show up in life and at times we feel stuck.

Partnering with a coach can change your life - in the best way possible.

Coaching is a conversation and a partnership designed to create the change you are seeking. It increases self-awareness, makes choices explicit, generates action, and closes the gap between your potential and how things currently are.

Emily Peck, life and career coach, speaking with a client.

Throughout Our Time Together I Promise To

  • Partner with you to clarify your purpose and direction in life 

  • Provide support and accountability as you pursue your goals, dreams, and desires 

  • Evoke awareness and insight through powerful questions and deep connection to Being

  • Empower you with the wisdom and joy that are part of your nature

  • Unlock your unique gifts through the process of transformational coaching

Emily Peck, life and career coach, speaking with a client over a cup of coffee.

In-Person and Remote Coaching Available

My office is located in Pacific Grove, California. I work with people both in-person and online. My clients live and work across the country and around the world. From Big Sur to Brooklyn to Bangalore, I am ready to partner with you!

Emily Peck, life coach, taking notes during an online Zoom meeting.

My Clients Achieve Their Goals

Receive a promotion at work

✓ Develop leadership presence, awareness, and skills

✓ Launch a new business, build a website, and develop an online presence

✓ Master public speaking and organizing skills for social impact

✓ Create work life balance by cultivating mindfulness

Connect to personal passions and clarify purpose in life

✓ Improve relationship with self, loved ones, and co-workers

✓ Move to a new city, find a new home, and a fulfilling job

✓ Maintain well-being through major life events (divorce, loss of loved one, birth of a new child)

✓ Manage time, stress, and anxiety

Find the voice and courage to take on new leadership 

✓ Get rewarded for calling out systemic oppression at work 

✓ Make a career pivot out of non-profit work, into policy work and consulting

✓ Thrive through midlife transition and evolve into a more authentic self

✓ Unlock creative potential and shift  from corporate to creative writer

Working with Emily brought so much joy and intention to my life. It was truly a transformative experience. The skills and guidance Emily shared with me are so deep and relevant that I rely on them regularly. She set me up on a path to grow in profound ways personally and professionally."

— Ann Marie

Do you have a goal you want to achieve?